
2020年11月30日07:00 GMT

Forxiga is the first SGLT2 inhibitor approved in Japan for chronic 心 failure with reduced ejection fraction in adult patients with and without type-2 diabetes

澳门葡京网赌游戏公司 Forxiga (dapagliflozin) has been approved in Japan for the treatment of patients with chronic 心 failure (HF) who are receiving standard of care.

HF is a life-threatening chronic disease that prevents the 心 from pumping sufficient levels of blood around the body. 它影响着全世界大约6400万人, 至少有一半的患者射血分数降低.1-3 This occurs when the left ventricle muscle is not able to contract adequately and t在这里fore 向体内排出的富氧血液较少.4-6

经日本厚生劳动省批准, 劳动和福利(MHLW)是基于具有里程碑意义的DAPA-HF III期试验的积极结果 新英格兰医学杂志.7

正文Kitakaze, 韩华大日仙福医院院长, 医学院客座教授, 大阪大学和日本DAPA-HF III期试验的研究者, 他说:“心力衰竭是一种影响人类健康的疾病.日本有300万人口. 许多病人的心脏功能明显下降, 如左心室射血分数降低. 大约一半的患者将在确诊后的五年内死亡, 哪种癌症比某些癌症更糟糕. 除了心脏移植,目前还没有治愈方法, a new effective treatment option on top of the current standard of care may offer hope for people struggling with this disease and a new tool for cardiologists.”

Mene Pangalos,澳门葡京赌博游戏R的执行副总裁&D,说:Forxiga’s efficacy in reducing the risk of cardiovascular death or worsening of 心 failure events could result in life-saving benefits for many 心 failure patients in Japan. Today’s approval will shift the way we manage the disease by providing a treatment option that is urgently needed to improve outcomes and symptoms for these patients.”

Forxiga is the first sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor to have shown a statistically significant reduction in the risk of the composite of cardiovascular (CV) death or worsening of HF events, 包括因心衰住院(hHF). DAPA-HF III期试验表明 Forxiga, 除了标准护理之外, reduced the risk of the composite outcome versus placebo by 26% and both components of the primary composite endpoint contributed benefit to the overall effect.

在DAPA-HF III期试验中 Forxiga 是否符合既定的药物安全性. 审判期间, one CV death or hHF or an urgent visit resulting in intravenous therapy associated with HF could be avoided for every 21 patients treated.

Forxiga (被称为 Farxiga 在美国被批准 US, 欧洲, and several other countries around the world for the treatment of patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).

Forxiga 随着科学的发展,心脏和心脏之间的潜在联系是否得到了进一步的确认, 肾脏和胰腺DAPA-HF是DapaCare的一部分, 一个强大的临床试验计划来评估潜在的心血管和肾脏益处 Forxiga. The programme has also explored the treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the ground-breaking DAPA-CKD Phase III trial. 此外, Forxiga is currently being tested for HF patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in the DELIVER Phase III trial with data readout anticipated in the second half of 2021.

2013年,澳门葡京网赌游戏K.K. (AZKK)是澳门葡京网赌游戏(澳门葡京网赌游戏)在日本的子公司,与小野制药(Ono Pharmaceutical)达成了一项协议 Forxiga. 根据本协议,小野负责…的分销和营销 Forxiga 该公司一直在与AZKK共同推广其用于治疗T2D和1型糖尿病. 两家公司将共同推广慢性心力衰竭的治疗.


全世界约有6400万人患有心力衰竭(其中至少一半患者有射血分数降低)。, 包括1.日本300万,欧盟1500万,美国600万.2-3,8,9 这是一种慢性疾病,一半的患者将在确诊后五年内死亡.10 HFrEF和HFpEF是与射血分数相关的两大类HF, 测量心脏每次收缩时血液流出的百分比.7 当左心室肌肉不能充分收缩时,就会发生HFrEF, 向体内排出的富氧血液较少.5,6 HF remains as fatal as some of the most common cancers in both men (prostate and bladder cancers) and women (breast cancer).11 It is the leading cause of hospitalisation for those over the age of 65 and represents a significant clinical and economic burden.12


DAPA-HF(达格列净和预防心力衰竭不良后果)是一项国际性研究, 的多中心, 与这些相应平行的组织, 随机, 4例双盲试验,HFrEF (LVEF≤40%)744例, 不论有无T2D, 评价的:用来评价…的效果的 Forxiga 10mg,与安慰剂相比,在标准治疗的基础上每天给予一次. The primary composite endpoint was time to the first occurrence of a worsening 心 failure event (hospitalisation or equivalent event, i.e. 紧急心力衰竭就诊)或CV死亡. 中位随访时间为18.2个月.


Forxiga (达格列净)是一流的, 口服, once-daily SGLT2 inhibitor indicated in adults for the treatment of insufficiently controlled T2D as both monotherapy and as part of combination therapy as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycaemic control, 还有额外的减肥和降血压的好处.

Forxiga 在III期DAPA-CKD试验中对CKD患者进行了评估, 随着全部结果的公布 2020年8月 证明 Forxiga 满足所有主要和次要终点,提供压倒性的疗效. Forxiga 目前正在对DELIVER(保留射血分数的HF)患者进行试验, HFpEF和decide (HFrEF和HFpEF) III期试验. Forxiga will also be tested in patients without T2D following an acute myocardial infarction (MI) or 心 attack in the DAPA-MI trial - a first of its kind, 循证注册的随机对照试验. Forxiga has a robust programme of clinical trials that includes more than 35 completed and ongoing Phase IIb/III trials in more than 35,000名患者, 以及超过2个.500万病人年的经验.


心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM) together forms one of 澳门葡京网赌游戏公司 three therapy areas and is a key growth driver for the Company. 通过遵循科学来更清楚地了解心脏之间的潜在联系, 肾脏和胰腺, 澳门葡京网赌游戏 is investing in a portfolio of medicines to protect organs and improve outcomes by slowing disease progression, 减少风险和处理合并症. The Company’s ambition is to modify or halt the natural course of CVRM diseases and potentially regenerate organs and restore function, by continuing to deliver transformative science that improves treatment practices and CV health for millions of patients worldwide.


澳门葡京网赌游戏(LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN)是一家全球性制药公司, 以科学为主导的澳门葡京赌博游戏公司,专注于发现, 处方药的开发和商业化, 主要用于治疗肿瘤等三个治疗领域的疾病, 心血管, 肾 & 新陈代谢和呼吸 & 免疫学. 总部设在剑桥, UK, 澳门葡京网赌游戏 operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. 请访问 澳门葡京网赌游戏.com 并在推特上关注公司 @澳门葡京网赌游戏.


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1. 梅奥诊所. 心脏衰竭; 29 May 2020 [cited 21 October 2020]. 可从:URL: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases - conditions/心 failure/symptoms causes/syc - 20373142.

2. Vos T等. 全球, 区域, 全国发病率, 患病率, 195个国家的328种疾病和伤害导致残疾的年数, 1990-2016: 2016年全球疾病负担研究的系统分析. 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》2017; 390(10100):1211–59.

3. Travessa AMR, Menezes falc o LF de. 降低射血分数治疗心力衰竭的最新进展. Am J Ther 2016; 23(2):e531-49.

4. 美国心脏协会. Ejection Fraction Heart Failure Measurement; 2017 [cited 2 Nov 2020]. 可从:网址: http://www.心.org/en/health-topics/心-failure/diagnosing-心-failure/ejection-fraction-心-failure-measurement.

5. Ponikowski等. 2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic 心 failure: The Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic 心 failure of the 欧洲an Society of Cardiology (ESC) Developed with the special contribution of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. 欧洲心脏 2016; 37(27):2129–200.

6. 国家指南中心(英国). 成人慢性心力衰竭:诊断和管理. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK); 2018 Sep. (NICE指南,No. 106.13、词汇表.

7. McMurray等. 达格列净在心力衰竭和射血分数降低患者中的作用. 英国医学杂志 2019.

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9. 迪克斯坦K等人. ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic 心 failure 2008: the Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2008 of the 欧洲an Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA) and endorsed by the 欧洲an Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). 欧洲心脏 2008; 29:2388-2442.

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11. Mamas MA等. 心力衰竭患者的预后比癌症患者差吗? 苏格兰一项以初级保健为基础的队列研究,随访10年. 心脏衰竭 2017; 19(9):1095–104.

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